Friday, September 27, 2013

Garden Bowl Turns 100

The longest running bowling alley in the country, Garden Bowl celebrates it's 100th anniversary this saturday. Check out this article about the registered historic place

Friday, September 13, 2013

Holy Guitars, Batman!

These two are phenomenal! I cant wait to get off work and play my guitar. I have been playing on and off since I was fourteen, Im not that great, but I still have fun messing around. Making music of any kind is always the funnest!


Hello everybody! Welcome to the Ben Kramp Chronicles! This place will act as a running journal for my art/design and anything else that piques my interest. This is my first post, coming to you LIVE from the 6th floor of the Taubman building in New Center, Detroit.  I am excited to start my first blog and share myself with the world!